Sangram [Sports]

“A sound mind in a sound body,” as believed by the Greek philosopher Thales, sports tends to shape personality and complements growth. Regular engagement in sports develops a healthy mind and great strength. Physical health is as essential as education for the entire development of students and their character. Most parents aren’t aware of importance of sports in students life because of their tight schedules and they struggle to learn how sports benefits students mentally and physically. 

The consistent participation in sports ultimately boosts their confidence and helps maintain good health. Sports are something which is beneficial for student’s physical & mental alertness and reduce their stress. Regular sports activities could prevent chronic diseases and lead to a good healthy life without worrying about any sickness.

Games and sports help in the overall development of an individual by promoting physical fitness and mental well-being. They instill discipline, teamwork, and sportsmanship in individuals, teaching them important life skills.

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Engineering College, Tuwa
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